The Vitamins For Stronger Nails

The health of your fingernails can tell you a lot about your overall health. If you find that your nails are not as healthy as you want, there are some vitamins for stronger nails that you should know about. These vitamins will not only improve the strength of your nails, but they will help other parts of your body as well.


One of the vitamins for stronger nails that you should know about is Biotin. This is a B-complex vitamin which is more commonly known as B7 or coenzyme R. This is the vitamin which promotes healthy cell growth and will help the metabolism of amino acids.

If you have brittle nails, you need to get more biotin in your diet. Fortunately, being deficient in this vitamin is rare and there is no recommended dietary allowance for this vitamin. If you want to get more of this vitamin you should eat more organic meats such as liver or dairy products and avocado.


Iron is a very important mineral in your body because it is the center of the red blood cell. These cells will carry oxygen to your organs and all the cells in your body including your nails. When you do not have enough iron, your cells will not get enough oxygen which damages their ability to function.

If you have an iron deficiency, it can lead to vertical ridges forming in your nails. Your nails may also become concave or form a spoon. There are some people who are more prone to iron deficiencies than others including women aged 18 to 50.

If you are suffering from an iron deficiency, you will need to increase your intake of certain meats. Iron is found more in meat and eggs than plants. This does not mean that you cannot get iron from plants such as peanuts, seeds, and beans.


There are over 300 reactions in your body that need magnesium such as protein synthesis. This is the process that is required for nail growth. If you have a magnesium deficiency, the most common sign will be vertical ridges on your nails.

This deficiency is fairly common with less than 60% of the US population getting the recommended daily amount of this vitamin. To increase your magnesium intake, you need to each more whole grains as they are rich in this. Dark leafy vegetables will also have high amounts of magnesium and nuts such as cashews and peanuts.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

If your nails have a dull appearance and are brittle, you might need more omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. These acids will help to moisturize and lubricate the nails to give them a shiny appearance. They will also help to reduce the inflammation in your nail bed.

The best foods to eat to increase your intake will be fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and tuna. If you do not like fish or cannot get these fish, you can turn to walnuts, eggs, and flaxseeds. They will provide you with the acids that you need.

There are many vitamins for stronger nails that you need to know about. If you are deficient in some of these vitamins, your nails could have ridges or become concave.