Tips on Preventing Truck Accidents

Car collisions always carry a certain amount of risk. However, the chance of fatalities rises significantly when a truck is involved in a crash. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance for motorists to exercise caution while on the road with a commercial truck. In this article, we will discuss potentially life-saving tips on preventing truck accidents.

1. Avoid the Truck’s Blind Spots

The rule of thumb is that if you cannot see the side mirrors of the commercial truck sharing the road with you, they cannot spot you, either. Trucks have more blind spots than a normal vehicle. These include 20 feet in front of the truck, 30 feet behind the truck, and the width of two lanes to the right of the truck. Exercise caution!

2. Be Careful Passing

Always be cautious when you are passing a commercial truck. Trucks cannot slow down as quickly as you can, and it will take more length of the road than your vehicle to come to a complete stop. NEVER pass a truck, get in front of it, and then get on your brakes. In addition, you want to complete a safe pass on level ground – a truck may pick up or lose speed while going uphill or downhill.

Before you complete a pass, approach the truck on the left side. That way, the driver may see you better. Also, keep your speed constant as you move to pass the truck.

3. Use Your Signals

It’s important to use your signals when operating a vehicle, especially when you are sharing the road with a commercial truck. This helps the driver of the truck to anticipate what you are planning to do and adjust accordingly. Using your signals also helps other motorists driving near the truck to see you and stay safe. Making decisions on the road in the blink of an eye, such as a sudden lane change, may spook the driver of the truck or provide them with inadequate time to avoid a collision with you or another vehicle on the road.

4. Give the Truck Space

When you are sharing the road with a truck, it’s important to give it enough space as you each travel. Being in too close proximity of a truck can put you at risk, as trucks often have tire blow-outs occur. Remnants of blown-out tires can strike your vehicle, and cause you to wreck. Also, high winds can cause a commercial truck to tip over. Obviously, if it were to fall on your vehicle, this could cause significant damage to you, your passengers, and your vehicle.

A good policy is to stay at least four seconds behind a truck. Also, do not attempt to pass a truck on the right that is coming up on a right turn. In fact, you should be willing to give a truck ample space as the driver attempts to turn. A truck can easily take up another lane as they do so, which could strike your vehicle.

These tips can help you to stay safe in regards to preventing truck accidents. Always exercise caution when sharing the road with a truck.