What You Need To Know About Plant Nutrients

Plant nutrients are defined as chemical elements which are vital to the overall nourishment of the health of a plant. These nutrients are divided into 3 categories, which are all based on what the plant needs. Each of the plant nutrients plays an essential role in the development and growth of plants.

The 3 categories of these nutrients include Primary Nutrients, Secondary Nutrients, and Micronutrients.

The primary nutrients for plants include potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. These are essential elements which are required in high quantities by plants when compared to other elements which are included in the other 2 categories. In addition, each of the 3 elements performs vital functions in the biology of plants.

Nitrogen is an element that becomes necessary to build proteins, to produce carbohydrates, and is also important for cell division which is needed for growth. Phosphorous has an effect on seed formation, plant maturity, and root growth. Potassium is essential in resistance from diseases, fruit formation, and also has an effect on plant enzymes.

The secondary nutrients in plants include calcium, Sulfur, and magnesium. Even though these plant nutrients are not required in very high quantities, they are still necessary when it comes to the health of plants.

Sulfur, assists with developing vitamins, helps with seed production and is necessary when it comes to the formation of amino acids. Magnesium is the key component for chlorophyll production, and it also assists plants with using iron and phosphorus. Calcium, similar to the other types of secondary nutrients, also plays a number of roles when it comes to regulating the system functions in the plant such as cell division and respiration. However, in certain plants calcium can play an even more important role. For instance, it is vital when it comes to the development of nuts in the peanut plant.

The last category includes the micronutrients, which are required in far smaller quantities when compared to the primary and secondary nutrients. They are still very necessary when it comes to the development and growth of the plant. The plant micronutrients include zinc, molybdenum, boron, manganese, chlorine, iron, and copper. Each of the micronutrients assists in various roles associated with plant biology. Many of which, such as copper performs a significant role in reproduction and photosynthesis. Other micronutrients assist in absorption along with the use of the other primary and secondary elements.

Here is a breakdown of what some of the more important plant nutrients do:

• Nitrogen

Nitrate is the nitrogen form that plants utilize which helps the foliage to grow strong in the way affecting the leaf development in the plant.

• Phosphorous

Phosphorous is important to assist the plant when it comes to dealing with environmental stress along with harsh winters.

• Potassium

Helps to strengthen the plant and also helps with water retention and early growth of the plant.

• Magnesium

Contributes to green coloring in plants.

• Sulfur

Aids in the production of important vitamins, enzymes, proteins, and amino acids.

• Calcium

Assists with development and growth in the walls of the cells. This is important as cell walls that are well-developed assist with resisting disease.